Melbourne Infant School are looking forward to taking part in Children’s Mental Health week.  The week exists to empower, equip and give a voice to every child; with this year’s theme being “My Voice Matters”.  Mrs. Martin, our Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead in school, spoke to children during assembly last week about positive mental health.  This week, children will take part in activities in their year groups themed around listening and using their voices.  There are some fantastic resources available for parents/carers on Children’s Mental Health week attached here.

Parents and carers are warmly invited to come into school from 2.45pm on Thursday 8th February for “Tea & Talk” in the school hall.  Research shows that talking is good for your mental health, and that’s what “Tea & Talk” is all about! Our school mental health and wellbeing lead, Mrs. Martin, and Mrs. Gibbs will be in the hall alongside other parents/carers for a chat.